Last updated July 28th, 2020.
Here is where we list what data we store and what we use it for.
Disclaimer: This Privacy Policy is more of a placeholder and it is here for transparency.
Any data not listed is not personally-identifying-information, examples may include meme IDs, ratings, who you're following, etc.
We store the following details.
Email - We use your email to email you notifications. These are manually enabled in your Notification settings and Security Settings. We also email you once to verify your email if entered manually. Your email can be permanently erased from our databases at any time from Email settings. All emails are encrypted using AES.
Google Email - If you decide to integrate your Google account, we store your email in our databases. We will never use this email outside of logging in or integrating. It can be removed by removing the integration. We store no other Google credentials. This as well as all other integration data is encrypted using AES.
iCloud Email - If you decide to integrate your Apple account, we store your email in our databases. We will never use this email outside of logging in or integrating. It can be removed by removing the integration. We store no other Apple credentials. This as well as all other integration data is encrypted using AES.
Discord ID - If you decide to integrate your Discord account, we store your ID in our databases. We will never use this ID outside of logging in or integrating. It can be removed by removing the integration. We store no other Discord credentials. This as well as all other integration data is encrypted using AES.
Password - When signing up, you are prompted to enter a password. This password is hashed via Bcrypt and is never stored in plaintext.
Meme Images - When you submit a meme, it gets stored in our CDN. Memes are never deleted from here, even if they are deleted on the website, but can be deleted upon email request.
Payment Details - When you buy Pro, we never see the card details entered, it is done through Stripe. We only see that you bought Pro! Please consult Stripe's privacy policy. We do not store any billing information.
IP - We store IPs for logging purposes. This can be turned off in your Logging settings. Invalid logins to accounts with IP Logging enabled will log your IP. They are stored encrypted using AES.
We will send you a copy of all the details we listed above (if we have them) upon request. To do this, email us using the "Legal Inquiry" button on the main support page or by creating a ticket.
You can request to delete or anonymize any of your data (including but not limited to memes, comments, profile) by emailing us or making a support ticket. We will not process the deletion until after 14 days, just if you decide to change your mind. You can decide what data you want to delete during the ticket, from just the user to everything.