Your Achievements

Collect these and become the next best memer!

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Welcome Aboard

This achievement is locked, you must: Sign up for the site

1 New Outlook Notification

This achievement is locked, you must: Set and verify an email

Pls 5 star

This achievement is locked, you must: Submit a meme

Ok here’s 5 star

This achievement is locked, you must: Rate a meme

Excessive Rater

This achievement is locked, you must: Rate every single meme


This achievement is locked, you must: Buy pro


This achievement is locked, you must: Integrate a Discord account

Meme Police

This achievement is locked, you must: Report a meme

Apple of My Eye

This achievement is locked, you must: Integrate an Apple Account


This achievement is locked, you must: Integrate a Minecraft Account


This achievement is locked, you must: Integrate a Google Account


This achievement is locked, you must: Become Verified